1, Amazon's EC2 is a main cog in the AWS machine, but what does it stand for?

  1. [x] Elastic Compute Cloud
  2. [ ] Elastic Central Computing
  3. [ ] Extended Cloud Core

2, Amazon Redshift is what type of data warehouse service?

  1. [ ] Gigabyte-scale
  2. [x] Exobyte-scale
  3. [ ] Petabyte-scale
  4. [ ] Terabyte-scale

3, What does MPP stand for when referring to the type of architecture Redshift has?

  1. [x] massively parallel processing
  2. [ ] massive protection policy
  3. [ ] massively parallel policy
  4. [ ] massive protection processing

4, Redshift can provide fast query performance by leveraging **\**_ storage approaches and technology.

  1. [ ] key-value
  2. [x] database
  3. [ ] row
  4. [ ] columnar

5, Amazon's Redshift data warehouse allows enterprise IT pros to execute **\_** against ___ data sets.

  1. [ ] simple SQL queries / small
  2. [x] complex SQL queries / large
  3. [ ] simple SQL queries / large
  4. [ ] complex SQL queries / small

6, Redshift was designed to alleviate the frustrating, time-consuming challenges database clusters have imposed on _ administrators?

  1. [ ] system
  2. [x] database
  3. [ ] certified
  4. [ ] privilege

  5. True or False: Amazon Redshift is adept at handling data analysis workflows.

  6. [ ] True

  7. [x] False

8, Adding nodes to a Redshift cluster provides **\**_ performance improvements.

  1. [x] linear
  2. [ ] non-linear
  3. [ ] both
  4. [ ] neither

9, The preferred way to load data into Redshift is through __ using the COPY command.

  1. [x] Remote hosts
  2. [ ] Simple Storage Service
  3. [ ] Elastic MapReduce
  4. [ ] All of the above

11, What type of API provides a management interface to manage data warehouse clusters programmatically?

  1. [ ] Query
  2. [x] REST
  3. [ ] Management
  4. [ ] SOAP

Amazon Web Services falls into which cloud-computing category?

  1. [ ] Software as a Service (SaaS)

  2. [ ] Platform as a Service (PaaS)

  3. [x] Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  4. [ ] Back-end as a Service (BaaS)

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) does which of the following?

  1. [ ] Provides customers with an isolated section of the AWS cloud where they can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that they define.
  2. [x] Provides resizable computing capacity in the cloud.
  3. [ ] Provide a simple web services interface that customers can use to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the Web.
  4. [ ] Provides a web service allowing customers to easily set up, operate and scale relational databases in the cloud.

Amazon Glacier is a storage service allowing customers to store data for as little as:

  1. [x] 1 cent per gigabyte (GB) per month
  2. [ ] 10 cents per GB per month
  3. [ ] 20 cents per GB per month
  4. [ ] 50 cents per GB per month

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk automates the details of which of the following functions?

  1. [ ] Capacity provisioning
  2. [ ] Load balancing
  3. [ ] Auto-scaling
  4. [ ] Application deployment
  5. [x] All of the above

All AWS IaaS services are pay-as-you-go.

  1. [x] True
  2. [ ] False

When analyst firm IDC interviewed 11 major AWS customers in 2012, researchers found an average five-year return on investment of how much?

  1. [ ] 26%
  2. [ ] 186%
  3. [x] 626%
  4. [ ] 1,226%

In the same survey, researchers said the customers' average payback period on their AWS IaaS investments was how long?

  1. [ ] 7 weeks
  2. [x] 7 months
  3. [ ] 14 months
  4. [ ] 2.5 years

AWS reaches customers in how many countries?

  1. [ ] 86
  2. [ ] 137
  3. [ ] 182
  4. [x] 190

What are the three authentication options offered by AWS?

  1. [x] Username and password, certificate, access keys
  2. [ ] Access monitoring, password, locking systems
  3. [ ] Access keys, system monitoring, password

Which is a recommended way to protect Access Keys?

  1. [ ] Train developers how to better protect their access keys.
  2. [ ] Define IAM policies.
  3. [ ] Enable CloudWatch notifications.
  4. [x] All of the above.

What is the practice of distributing responsibility among multiple people so that no one person has full control of everything?

  1. [ ] Responsible distribution
  2. [x] Separation of duty
  3. [ ] Separation of responsibility

Which of these Amazon's tools is for monitoring?

  1. [x] CloudWatch
  2. [ ] CloudFront
  3. [ ] CloudSearch

True or False: A root account credential can be used to log into your AWS account or buy a book on Amazon.com.

  1. [x] True
  2. [ ] False

What can happen if a hacker gets a hold of your account key?

  1. [ ] Accounts can be hacked.
  2. [ ] Servers may be terminated.
  3. [ ] Data may be deleted.
  4. [x] All of the above.

What is AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

  1. [ ] Taking multiple factors into consideration when creating an AWS account.
  2. [ ] A process that authenticates accounts by approving the background factors of each user.
  3. [x] A practice that adds increased security to an account by using multiple forms of authentication.

Which storage service provides encryption services for both data in flight and data at rest?

  1. [ ] DynamoDB
  2. [ ] Relational Database Service (RDS)
  3. [x] Simple Storage Service (S3)

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