AWS Data Pipeline

Summary: for creating ETL workflows to automate processing of data at scheduled intervals, then terminate the resources.

  • AWS data pipeline can be used to move data from one dynamoDB table in one region to another region
    • behind the scenes it launches EMR cluster -> stores in S3 -> starts EMR in the other region, Loads from S3 and sends to dynamoDB.


  • composed of:
    • Datanodes
    • Activities
    • Preconditions
    • Schedules
  • The pipeline is executed in EC2 instances or EMR clusters that are provisioned and terminated automatically.

Running on premise:

  • Install a task runner package on your on-prem hosts
  • The package continuously polls AWS Data Pipeline for work to perform
  • Examples: Running a DB stored procedure or a database dump.


  • An action that Data Pipeline initiates on your behalf as part of a pipeline
    • examples:
      • CopyActivity (copies data between instances)
      • EmrActivity (spawns emr, ... , terminates)
      • ShellCommandActivity (execute a custom shell script)
      • ...


  • It's optional. Can be applied to a data source or activity.
  • When a data source has a precondition check then that check must succeed before any activity that consumes that data source can be launched.
  • examples:
    • DynamoDBDataExists
    • DynamoDBTableExists
    • S3KeyExists
    • S3PrefixExists
    • ShellCommandPrecondition (for custom preconditions)


  • how frequently does the pipeline run.

A lot of data pipeline functionality has been replaced by AWS Lambda.

AWS Data Pipeline

  • AWS Data Pipeline is a web service that makes it easy to automate and schedule regular data movement and data processing activities in AWS
  • AWS Data Pipeline help define data-driven workflows
  • AWS Data Pipeline integrates with on-premises and cloud-based storage systems to allow developers to use their data when they need it, where they want it, and in the required format.
  • AWS Data Pipeline allows you to quickly define a pipeline, which defines a dependent chain of data sources, destinations, and predefined or custom data processing activities
  • Based on a defined schedule, the pipeline regularly performs processing activities such as distributed data copy, SQL transforms, EMR applications, or custom scripts against destinations such as S3, RDS, or DynamoDB.
  • By executing the scheduling, retry, and failure logic for the workflows as a highly scalable and fully managed service, Data Pipeline ensures that the pipelines are robust and highly available.

AWS Data Pipeline features

  • Distributed, fault-tolerant and highly available
  • Managed workflow orchestration service for data-driven workflows
  • Infrastructure management service, will provision and terminate resources as required
  • Provides dependency resolution
  • Can be scheduled
  • Grants control over retries, including frequency and number
  • Native integration with S3, DynamoDB, RDS, EMR, EC2 and Redshift
  • Support for both AWS based and external on-premise resources

AWS Data Pipeline Concepts

Pipeline Definition

  • Pipeline definition helps the business logic to be communicated to the AWS Data Pipeline
  • Pipeline definition defines the location of data (Data Nodes), activities to be performed, the schedule, resources to run the activities, per-conditions and actions to be performed

Pipeline Components, Instances, and Attempts

  • Pipeline components represent the business logic of the pipeline and are represented by the different sections of a pipeline definition.
  • Pipeline components specify the data sources, activities, schedule, and preconditions of the workflow
  • When AWS Data Pipeline runs a pipeline, it compiles the pipeline components to create a set of actionable instances and contains all the information needed to perform a specific task
  • Data Pipeline provides a durable and robust data management as it retries a failed operation depending on frequency & defined number for retries

Task Runners

  • A task runner is an application that polls AWS Data Pipeline for tasks and then performs those tasks
  • When Task Runner is installed and configured,
    • it polls AWS Data Pipeline for tasks associated with activated pipelines
    • after a task is assigned to Task Runner, it performs that task and reports its status back to AWS Data Pipeline.
  • A task is a discreet unit of work that the Data Pipeline service shares with a task runner and differs from a pipeline, which defines activities and resources that usually yields several tasks
  • Tasks can be executed either on the AWS Data Pipeline managed or user managed resources

Data Nodes

  • Data Node defines the location and type of data that a pipeline activity uses as source (input) or destination (output)
  • Data pipeline supports S3, Redshift, DynamoDB and SQL data nodes


  • Data Pipeline supports JDBC, RDS and Redshift database


  • An activity is a pipeline component that defines the work to perform
  • Data Pipeline provides pre defined activities for common scenarios like sql transformation, data movement, hive queries etc
  • Activities are extensible and can be used to run own custom scripts to support endless combinations


  • Precondition is a pipeline component containing conditional statements that must be satisfied (evaluated to True) before an activity can run
  • A pipeline supports
    • System-managed preconditions
      • are run by the AWS Data Pipeline web service on your behalf and do not require a computational resource
      • Includes source data and keys check for e.g. DynamoDB data, table exists or S3 key exists or prefix not empty
    • User-managed preconditions
      • run on user defined and managed computational resources
      • Can be defined as Exists check or Shell command


  • A resource is the computational resource that performs the work that a pipeline activity specifies
  • Data Pipeline supports AWS Data Pipeline-managed and self-managed resources
  • AWS Data Pipeline-managed resources include EC2 and EMR, which are launched by the Data Pipeline service only when they’re needed
  • Self managed on-premises resources can also be used, where a Task Runner package is installed which continuously polls the AWS Data Pipeline service for work to perform
  • Resources can run in the same region as their working data set or even on a region different than AWS Data Pipeline
  • Resources launched by AWS Data Pipeline are counted within the resource limits and should be taken into account


  • Actions are steps that a pipeline takes when a certain event like success, failure occurs.
  • Pipeline supports SNS notifications and termination action on resources

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