A user is uploading archives to Glacier. The user is trying to understand key Glacier resources.

Which of the below mentioned options is not a Glacier resource?

A. Notification configuration

B. Archive ID

C. Job

D. Archive

Answer: B


AWS Glacier has four resources. Vault and Archives are core data model concepts. Job is

required to initiate download of archive. The notification configuration is required to send user

notification when archive is available for download.


An organization has 10 departments. The organization wants to track the AWS usage of each

department. Which of the below mentioned options meets the requirement?

A. Setup IAM groups for each department and track their usage

B. Create separate accounts for each department, but use consolidated billing for payment and


C. Create separate accounts for each department and track them separately

D. Setup IAM users for each department and track their usage

Answer: B


The cost of an IAM user or groups can never be tracked separately for the purpose of billing.

The best solution in this case is to create a separate account for each department and use

consolidated billing.


Regarding Amazon SWF, at times you might want to record information in the workflow history of

a workflow execution that is specific to your use case. _________ enable you to record

information in the workflow execution history that you can use for any custom or scenario-specific


A. Markers

B. Tags

C. Hash keys

D. Events

Answer: A


In Amazon SWF, at times you might want to record information in the workflow history of a

workflow execution that is specific to your use case. Markers enable you to record information in

the workflow execution history that you can use for any custom or scenario-specific purpose.


How can you peek at a message in Amazon SQS?

A. Log the message ID and the receipt handle for your messages and correlate them to confirm

when a message has been received and deleted

B. Send the message to Amazon S3

C. You can't

D. Set up a CloudWatch alarm to auto send you the message

Answer: A


With version 2008-01-01, the PeekMessage action has been removed from Amazon SQS. This

functionality was used mainly to debug small systems -- specifically to confirm a message was

successfully sent to the queue or deleted from the queue.

To do this with version 2008-01-01, you can log the message ID and the receipt handle for your

messages and correlate them to confirm when a message has been received and deleted.


In regard to DynamoDB, for which one of the following parameters does Amazon not charge you?

A. Cost per provisioned write units

B. Cost per provisioned read units

C. Storage cost

D. I/O usage within the same Region

Answer: D


In DynamoDB, you will be charged for the storage and the throughput you use rather than for the

I/O which has been used.


An organization has created 10 IAM users. The organization wants those users to work

independently and access AWS. Which of the below mentioned options is not a possible


A. Create the access key and secret access key for each user and provide access to AWS using

the console

B. Create the X.509 certificate for each user and provide them access to AWS CLI

C. Enable MFA for each IAM user and assign them the virtual MFA device to access the console

D. Provide each user with the IAM login and password for the AWS console

Answer: A


If an organization has created the IAM users, the users can access AWS services either with an

IAM specific login/password or console. The organization can generate the IAM X.509 certificates

to access AWS with CLI. The organization can also enable MFA for each IAM user, which allows

an added security for each IAM user. If the organization has created the access key and secret

key than the user cannot access the console using those keys. Access key and secret access

key are useful for CLI or Webservices.


What is the maximum size for messages stored in SQS?

A. 256KB

B. 128KB

C. 1024KB

D. 64KB

Answer: A


By default, SQS queues allow you to send the largest supported payload size, currently 256KB.

You can choose to specify a limit on how many bytes can be sent per payload, using the

MaximumMessageSize attribute of the SetQueueAttributes method.


A user is planning to host data with RDS. Which of the below mentioned databases is not

supported by RDS?

A. PostgreSQL


C. Oracle


Answer: B


Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a web service that makes it easier to set

up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. AWS RDS supports popular DBs, such

as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL and Oracle. This means that the code, applications, and tools

user is already using with existing databases can be used with Amazon RDS too. In short, it is a

managed Relation Database offering from AWS which manages backups, software patching,

automatic failure detection, and recovery of Database.


An EC2 instance has one additional EBS volume attached to it. How can a user attach the same

volume to another running instance in the same AZ?

A. Terminate the first instance and only then attach to the new instance

B. Attach the volume as read only to the second instance

C. Detach the volume first and attach to new instance

D. No need to detach. Just select the volume and attach it to the new instance, it will take care of

mapping internally

Answer: C


If an EBS volume is attached to a running EC2 instance, the user needs to detach the volume

from the original instance and then attach it to a new running instance. The user doesn't need to

stop / terminate the original instance.


A user has configured an automated backup between 5 AM ?5:30 AM for the MySQL RDS DB.

Will the performance of RDS get frozen momentarily during a backup?

A. No

B. Yes, only if the instance size is smaller than large size

C. Yes, provided it is a single zone implementation

D. Yes, always

Answer: C


Amazon RDS provides two different methods for backing up and restoring the Amazon DB

instances. A brief I/O freeze, typically lasting a few seconds, occurs during both automated

backups and DB snapshot operations on Single-AZ DB instances.


A root AWS account owner has created three IAM users: Bob, John and Michael. Michael is the

IAM administrator. Bob and John are not the superpower users, but users with some pre-defined

policies. John does not have access to modify his password. Thus, he asks Bob to change his

password. How can Bob change John's password?

A. This statement is false. It should be Michael who changes the password for John

B. It is not possible that John cannot modify his password

C. Provided Bob is the manager of John

D. Provided Michael has added Bob to a group, which has permissions to modify the IAM


Answer: D


Generally with IAM users, the password can be modified in two ways. The first option is to define

the IAM level policy which allows each user to modify their own passwords. The other option is to

create a group and create a policy for the group which can change the passwords of various IAM



Regarding Amazon SNS, to send messages to a queue through a topic, you must subscribe the

queue to the Amazon SNS topic. You specify the queue by its _______.


B. Token

C. Registration ID


Answer: A


In Amazon SNS, to send messages to a queue through a topic, you must subscribe the queue to

the Amazon SNS topic. You specify the queue by its ARN.


To scale up the AWS resources using manual AutoScaling, which of the below mentioned

parameters should the user change?

A. Maximum capacity

B. Desired capacity

C. Preferred capacity

D. Current capacity

Answer: B


The Manual Scaling as part of Auto Scaling allows the user to change the capacity of Auto

Scaling group. The user can add / remove EC2 instances on the fly. To execute manual scaling,

the user should modify the desired capacity. AutoScaling will adjust instances as per the

requirements. If the user is trying to CLI, he can use command as-set-desired-capacity <Auto

Scaling Group Name> --desired-capacity <New Capacity>


A user has configured a website and launched it using the Apache web server on port 80. The

user is using ELB with the EC2 instances for Load Balancing. What should the user do to ensure

that the EC2 instances accept requests only from ELB?

A. Open the port for an ELB static IP in the EC2 security group

B. Configure the security group of EC2, which allows access to the ELB source security group

C. Configure the EC2 instance so that it only listens on the ELB port

D. Configure the security group of EC2, which allows access only to the ELB listener

Answer: B


When a user is configuring ELB and registering the EC2 instances with it, ELB will create a

source security group. If the user wants to allow traffic only from ELB, he should remove all the

rules set for the other requests and open the port only for the ELB source security group.


When working with AWS CloudFormation Templates what is the maximum number of stacks that

you can create?

A. 500

B. 50

C. 20

D. 10

Answer: C


CloudFormation Limits

Maximum number of AWS CloudFormation stacks that you can create is 20 stacks.


Does DynamoDB support in-place atomic updates?

A. It is not defined

B. Yes

C. It does support in-place non-atomic updates

D. No

Answer: B


DynamoDB supports in-place atomic updates.


A user is having access to objects of an S3 bucket which is not owned by him. If he is trying to set

the objects of that bucket public, which of the below mentioned options may be a right fit for this


A. Make the bucket public with full access

B. Define the policy for the bucket

C. Provide ACL on the object

D. Create an IAM user with permission

Answer: C


An S3 object ACL is the only way to manage access to objects which are not owned by the

bucket owner. An AWS account that owns the bucket can grant another AWS account permission

to upload objects. The bucket owner does not own these objects. The AWS account that created

the object must grant permissions using object ACLs.


A bucket owner has allowed another account's IAM users to upload or access objects in his

bucket. The IAM user of Account A is trying to access an object created by the IAM user of

account B. What will happen in this scenario?

A. The bucket policy may not be created as S3 will give error due to conflict of Access Rights

B. It is not possible to give permission to multiple IAM users

C. AWS S3 will verify proper rights given by the owner of Account A, the bucket owner as well as

by the IAM user B to the object

D. It is not possible that the IAM user of one account accesses objects of the other IAM user

Answer: C


If a IAM user is trying to perform some action on an object belonging to another AWS user's

bucket, S3 will verify whether the owner of the IAM user has given sufficient permission to him.

It also verifies the policy for the bucket as well as the policy defined by the object owner.


A user wants to achieve High Availability with PostgreSQL DB. Which of the below mentioned

functionalities helps achieve HA?

A. Read Replica

B. Multi AZ

C. Multi region

D. PostgreSQL does not support HA

Answer: B


The Multi AZ feature allows the user to achieve High Availability. For Multi AZ, Amazon RDS

automatically provisions and maintains a synchronous "standby" replica in a different Availability



A user is launching an instance with EC2. Which of the below mentioned options does the user

need to consider before launching an instance?

A. Select the region where the instance is being launched.

B. Select the instance type.

C. All the options listed should be considered..

D. Select the OS of the AMI.

Answer: C


Regarding Amazon EC2, when launching an instance, the user needs to select the region the

instance would be launched from. While launching, the user needs to plan for the instance type

and the OS of the instance.


A user has created an EBS volume with 1000 IOPS. What is the average IOPS that the user will

get for most of the year as per EC2 SLA if the instance is attached to the EBS optimized


A. 900

B. 990

C. 950

D. 1000

Answer: A


As per AWS SLA if the instance is attached to an EBS-Optimized instance, then the Provisioned

IOPS volumes are designed to deliver within 10% of the provisioned IOPS performance 99.9% of

the time in a given year. Thus, if the user has created a volume of 1000 IOPS, the user will get a

minimum 900 IOPS 99.9% time of the year.


Which of the following programming languages have an officially supported AWS SDK? Choose 2


A. Perl


C. Pascal

D. Java


Answer: BD


Which statements about DynamoDB are true? Choose 2 answers

A. DynamoDB uses a pessimistic locking model

B. DynamoDB uses optimistic concurrency control

C. DynamoDB uses conditional writes for consistency

D. DynamoDB restricts item access during reads

E. DynamoDB restricts item access during writes

Answer: BC


You have an environment that consists of a public subnet using Amazon VPC and 3 instances

that are running in this subnet. These three instances can successfully communicate with other

hosts on the Internet. You launch a fourth instance in the same subnet, using the same AMI and

security group configuration you used for the others, but find that this instance cannot be

accessed from the Internet.

What should you do to enable internet access?

A. Deploy a NAT instance into the public subnet.

B. Modify the routing table for the public subnet

C. Configure a publically routable IP Address In the host OS of the fourth instance.

D. Assign an Elastic IP address to the fourth instance.

Answer: D


How can you secure data at rest on an EBS volume?

A. Attach the volume to an instance using EC2's SSL interface.

B. Write the data randomly instead of sequentially.

C. Use an encrypted file system on top of the BBS volume.

D. Encrypt the volume using the S3 server-side encryption service.

E. Create an IAM policy that restricts read and write access to the volume.

Answer: C


Which of the following is an example of a good DynamoDB hash key schema for provisioned

throughput efficiency?

A. User ID, where the application has many different users.

B. Status Code where most status codes are the same

C. Device ID, where one is by far more popular than all the others.

D. Game Type, where there are three possible game types

Answer: A


Which of the following statements about SWF are true? Choose 3 answers

A. SWF tasks are assigned once and never duplicated

B. SWF requires an S3 bucket for workflow storage

C. SWF workflow executions can last up to a year

D. SWF triggers SNS notifications on task assignment

E. SWF uses deciders and workers to complete tasks

F. SWF requires at least 1 EC2 instance per domain

Answer: ACE


Which of the following are correct statements with policy evaluation logic in AWS Identity and

Access Management? Choose 2 answers

A. By default, all requests are denied

B. An explicit allow overrides an explicit deny

C. An explicit allow overrides default deny.

D. An explicit deny does not override an explicit allow

E. By default, all request are allowed

Answer: AC


Company D is running their corporate website on Amazon S3 accessed from

http// Their marketing team has published new web fonts to a separate S3

bucket accessed by the S3 endpoint While testing

the new web fonts, Company D recognized the web fonts are being blocked by the browser. What

should Company D do to prevent the web fonts from being blocked by the browser?

A. Enable versioning on the cdfonts bucket for each web font

B. Create a policy on the cdfonts bucket to enable access to everyone

C. Add the Content-MD5 header to the request for webfonts in the cdfonts bucket from the website

D. Configure the cdfonts bucket to allow cross-origin requests by creating a CORS configuration

Answer: D


What is one key difference between an Amazon EBS-backed and an instance-store backed


A. Virtual Private Cloud requires EBS backed instances

B. Amazon EBS-backed instances can be stopped and restarted

C. Auto scaling requires using Amazon EBS-backed instances.

D. Instance-store backed instances can be stopped and restarted.

Answer: B


A meteorological system monitors 600 temperature gauges, obtaining temperature samples every

minute and saving each sample to a DynamoDB table. Each sample involves writing 1K of data

and the writes are evenly distributed over time.

How much write throughput is required for the target table?

A. 1 write capacity unit

B. 10 write capacity units

C. 60 write capacity units

D. 600 write capacity units

E. 3600 write capacity units

Answer: B


A startup s photo-sharing site is deployed in a VPC. An ELB distributes web traffic across two

subnets. ELB session stickiness is configured to use the AWS-generated session cookie, with a

session TTL of 5 minutes. The webserver Auto Scaling Group is configured as: min-size=4, maxsize=

  1. The startups preparing for a public launch, by running load-testing software installed on a

single EC2 instance running in us-west-2a. After 60 minutes of load-testing, the webserver logs


Which recommendations can help ensure load-testing HTTP requests are evenly distributed

across the four webservers? Choose 2 answers

A. Launch and run the load-tester EC2 instance from us-east-1 instead.

B. Re-configure the load-testing software to re-resolve DNS for each web request.

C. Use a 3rd-party load-testing service which offers globally-distributed test clients.

D. Configure ELB and Auto Scaling to distribute across us-west-2a and us-west-2c.

E. Configure ELB session stickiness to use the app-specific session cookie.

Answer: BE


You have written an application that uses the Elastic Load Balancing service to spread traffic to

several web servers Your users complain that they are sometimes forced to login again in the

middle of using your application, after they have already togged in. This is not behavior you have

designed. What is a possible solution to prevent this happening?

A. Use instance memory to save session state.

B. Use instance storage to save session state.

C. Use EBS to save session state

D. Use ElastiCache to save session state.

E. Use Glacier to save session slate.

Answer: D


If a message is retrieved from a queue in Amazon SQS, how long is the message inaccessible to

other users by default?

A. 0 seconds

B. 1 hour

C. 1 day

D. forever

E. 30 seconds

Answer: E


Which of the following are valid SNS delivery transports? Choose 2 answers




D. DynamoDB

E. Named Pipes

Answer: AC


When uploading an object, what request header can be explicitly specified in a request to

Amazon S3 to encrypt object data when saved on the server side?

A. x-amz-storage-class

B. Content-MD5

C. x-amz-security-token

D. x-amz-server-side-encryption

Answer: D


Which DynamoDB limits can be raised by contacting AWS support? Choose 2 answers

A. The number of hash keys per account

B. The maximum storage used per account

C. The number of tables per account

D. The number of local secondary indexes per account

E. The number of provisioned throughput units per account

Answer: CE


In AWS, which security aspects are the customer's responsibility? Choose 4 answers

A. Life-cycle management of IAM credentials

B. Decommissioning storage devices

C. Security Group and ACL (Access Control List) settings

D. Encryption of EBS (Elastic Block Storage) volumes

E. Controlling physical access to compute resources

F. Patch management on the EC2 instance's operating system

Answer: ABCF


You are providing AWS consulting services for a company developing a new mobile application

that will be leveraging Amazon SNS Mobile Push for push notifications. In order to send direct

notification messages to individual devices each device registration identifier or token needs to be

registered with SNS; however the developers are not sure of the best way to do this.

You advise them to:

A. Bulk upload the device tokens contained in a CSV file via the AWS Management Console.

B. Let the push notification service (e.g. Amazon Device Messaging) handle the registration.

C. Implement a token vending service to handle the registration.

D. Call the CreatePlatformEndPoint API function to register multiple device tokens.

Answer: B


In DynamoDB, what type of HTTP response codes indicate that a problem was found with the

client request sent to the service?

A. 5xx HTTP response code

B. 200 HTTP response code

C. 306 HTTP response code

D. 4xx HTTP response code

Answer: D


You are inserting 1000 new items every second in a DynamoDB table. Once an hour these items

are analyzed and then are no longer needed. You need to minimize provisioned throughput,

storage, and API calls.

Given these requirements, what is the most efficient way to manage these Items after the


A. Retain the items in a single table

B. Delete items individually over a 24 hour period

C. Delete the table and create a new table per hour

D. Create a new table per hour

Answer: C


Which features can be used to restrict access to data in S3? Choose 2 answers

A. Use S3 Virtual Hosting

B. Set an S3 Bucket policy.

C. Enable IAM Identity Federation.

D. Set an S3 ACL on the bucket or the object.

E. Create a CloudFront distribution for the bucket

Answer: CD


Company B provides an online image recognition service and utilizes SOS to decouple system

components for scalability The SQS consumers poll the imaging queue as often as possible to

keep end-to-end throughput as high as possible. However, Company B is realizing that polling in

tight loops is burning CPU cycles and increasing costs with empty responses.

How can Company B reduce the number of empty responses?

A. Set the imaging queue visibility Timeout attribute to 20 seconds

B. Set the Imaging queue ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds attribute to 20 seconds

C. Set the imaging queue MessageRetentionPeriod attribute to 20 seconds

D. Set the DelaySeconds parameter of a message to 20 seconds

Answer: B


What AWS products and features can be deployed by Elastic Beanstalk? Choose 3 answers

A. Auto scaling groups

B. Route 53 hosted zones

C. Elastic Load Balancers

D. RDS Instances

E. Elastic IP addresses

F. SQS Queues

Answer: ACD


What is the maximum number of S3 Buckets available per AWS account?

A. 100 per region

B. there is no limit

C. 100 per account

D. 500 per account

E. 100 per IAM user

Answer: C


What is the format of structured notification messages sent by Amazon SNS?

A. An XML object containing MessageId, UnsubscribeURL, Subject, Message and other values

B. An JSON object containing MessageId, DuplicateFlag, Message and other values

C. An XML object containing MessageId, DuplicateFlag, Message and other values

D. An JSON object containing MessageId, unsubscribeURL, Subject, Message and other values

Answer: D


When using a large Scan operation in DynamoDB, what technique can be used to minimize the

impact of a scan on a table's provisioned throughput?

A. Set a smaller page size for the scan

B. Use parallel scans

C. Define a range index on the table

D. Prewarm the table by updating all items

Answer: C


Which code snippet below returns the URL of a load balanced web site created in

CloudFormation with an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer resource name "ElasticLoad


A. "Fn::Join" : ["". [ "http://", {"Fn::GetAtr" : [ "ElasticLoadBalancer","DNSName"]}]]

B. "Fn::Join" : ["". [ "http://", {"Fn::GetAtr" : [ "ElasticLoadBalancer","Url"]}]]

C. "Fn::Join" : ["". [ "http://", {"Ref" : "ElasticLoadBalancerUrl"}]]

D. "Fn::Join" : [".", [ "http://", {"Ref" : "ElasticLoadBalancerDNSName"}]]

Answer: B


You are getting a lot of empty receive requests when using Amazon SQS.

This is making a lot of unnecessary network load on your instances.

What can you do to reduce this load?

A. Subscribe your queue to an SNS topic instead.

B. Use as long of a poll as possible, instead of short polls.

C. Alter your visibility timeout to be shorter.

D. Use <code>sqsd</code> on your EC2 instances.

Answer: B


One benefit of long polling with Amazon SQS is the reduction of the number of empty responses,

when there are no messages available to return, in reply to a ReceiveMessage request sent to an

Amazon SQS queue. Long polling allows the Amazon SQS service to wait until a message is

available in the queue before sending a response.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""