Amazon Machine Image – AMI

  • An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) provides the information required to launch an instance, which is a virtual server in the cloud.
  • An AMI is basically an template and can be used to launch as many instances as needed
  • Within an VPC, instances can be launched from as many different AMIs
  • An AMI includes the following:

    • A template for the root volume for the instance,for e.g. an operating system, an application server, and applications
    • Launch permissions that control which AWS accounts can use the AMI to launch instances ,for e.g. AWS account ids with whom the AMI is shared

    • A block device mapping that specifies the volumes to attach to the instance when it’s launched

  • AMIs can be either

    • AWS managed, provided and published AMIs
    • Third party or Community provided public custom AMIs
    • Private AMIs created by other AWS accounts and shared with you
    • Private and Custom AMIs created by you
  • AMI lifecycle
    • After you create and register an AMI
    • you can use it to launch new instances. (You can also launch instances from an AMI if the AMI owner grants you launch permissions.)
    • You can copy an AMI to the same region or to different regions.
    • When you are finished launching instance from an AMI, you can deregister the AMI

AMI Types

  • Region & Availability Zone
    • AMIs are specific to a region and if needed in other region must be copied over
  • Operating system
    • AMIS are available in a variety of OS flavors for e.g. linux, windows, ubuntu etc
  • Architecture (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Launch Permissions
    • Launch permissions define who has access to the AMI
      • Public – Accessible to all AWS accounts
      • Explicit – Shared with specific AWS accounts
      • Private – Owned and available for AMI creator AWS account only
  • Root device storage
    • AMIs can have EBS or Instance store as the root device storage
    • EBS backed
      • EBS volume are independent of the EC2 instance lifecycle and can persist independently
      • EBS backed instances can be stopped without losing the volumes
      • EBS instance can also be persist without losing the volumes on instance termination, if the Delete On Termination flag is disabled
      • EBS backed instances boot up uch faster than the Instance store backed instances as only the parts required to boot the instance needs to be retrieved from the snapshot before the instance is made available
      • AMI creation is much easier for AMIs backed by Amazon EBS. The CreateImage API action creates your Amazon EBS-backed AMI and registers it
    • Instance Store backed
      • Instance store is an ephemeral storage and is dependent on the lifecycle of the Instance
      • Instance store is deleted if the instance is terminated or if the EBS backed instance, with attached instance store volumes, is stopped
      • Instance store volumes cannot be stopped
      • Instance store volumes have their AMI in S3 and have higher boot times compared to EBS backed instances, as all the parts have to be retrieved from Amazon S3 before the instance is made available
      • To create Linux AMIs backed by instance store, you must create an AMI from your instance on the instance itself using the Amazon EC2 AMI tools.
    • More detailed @EBS vs Instance Store

Amazon Linux AMI

Amazon Linux AMI is a supported and maintained Linux image provided by AWS with the following features

  • A stable, secure, and high-performance execution environment for applications running on Amazon EC2.
    • Amazon Linux does not allow remote root SSH by default.
    • Password authentication is disabled to prevent brute-force password attacks.
    • Instances launched using Amazon Linux AMI must be provided with a key pair at launch to enable SSH logins
    • Inbound security group must allow SSH access
    • By default, the only account that can log in remotely using SSH is ec2-user ; this account also has sudo privileges.
    • Amazon Linux AMIs are configured to download and install security updates at launch time.
  • Provided at no additional charge to Amazon EC2 users.
  • Repository access to multiple versions of MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python, Ruby, Tomcat, and many more common packages.
  • Updated on a regular basis to include the latest components, and these updates are also made available in the yum repositories for installation on running instances.
  • Includes pre-installed packages to enable easy integration with AWS services, such as the AWS CLI, Amazon EC2 API and AMI tools, the Boto library for Python, and the Elastic Load Balancing tools.

Linux Virtualization Types

  • Linux Amazon Machine Images use one of two types of virtualization: paravirtual (PV) or hardware virtual machine (HVM).
  • Main difference between PV and HVM AMIs is the way in which they boot and whether they can take advantage of special hardware extensions (CPU, network, and storage) for better performance.
  • For the best performance, AWS recommends use of current generation instance types and HVM AMIs when you launch your instances.
  • HVM AMIs
    • HVM AMIs are presented with a fully virtualized set of hardware and boot by executing the master boot record of the root block device of your image.
    • HVM virtualization type provides the ability to run an operating system directly on top of a virtual machine without any modification, as if it were run on the bare-metal hardware.
    • Amazon EC2 host system emulates some or all of the underlying hardware that is presented to the guest.
    • HVM guests, unlike PV guest, can take advantage of hardware extensions that provide fast access to the underlying hardware on the host system.
    • HVM AMIs are required to take advantage of enhanced networking and GPU processing . In order to pass through instructions to specialized network and GPU devices, the OS needs to be able to have access to the native hardware platform; HVM virtualization provides this access.
    • All current generation instance types support HVM AMIs.The CC2, CR1, HI1, and HS1 previous generation instance types support HVM AMIs.
  • PV AMIs
    • PV AMIs boot with a special boot loader called PV-GRUB, which starts the boot cycle and then chain loads the kernel specified in the menu.lst file on your image.
    • Paravirtual guests can run on host hardware that does not have explicit support for virtualization, but they cannot take advantage of special hardware extensions such as enhanced networking or GPU processing .
    • C3 and M3 current generation instance types support PV AMIs. The C1, HI1, HS1, M1, M2, and T1 previous generation instance types support PV AMIs.

Shared AMIs

  • Shared AMI is an AMI that can be created and shared with others for use
  • a Shared AMI with all the components needed can be used to get started and then add custom components as and when needed
  • Shared AMI can be risky as Amazon does not perform an detailed checks and vouch for the integrity and security of these AMIs
  • Before using a Shared AMI, check for any pre-installed credentials that would allow unwanted access to the instance by a third party and no pre-configured remote logging that could transmit sensitive data to a third party
  • Amazon allows you to share an AMI, by defining launch permissions, to all (making it public) or only to a specific AWS accounts
  • Launch permissions work at the AWS account level only; and can’t be used to restrict specific users within an AWS account.
  • Guidelines for Shared Linux AMIs
    • Update the AMI Tools at Boot Time
      • Update the AMI tools or any software during startup.
      • Take into account the software updates not not break any software and consider the WAN traffic as the downloads will be charged to the AMI user
    • Disable Password-Based Remote Logins for Root
      • Fixed root passwords can be a security risk and needs to be disabled
    • Disable Local Root Access
      • Working with shared AMIs, a best practice is to disable direct root logins
    • Remove SSH Host Key Pairs
      • Remove the existing SSH host key pairs located in /etc/ssh, which forces SSH to generate new unique SSH key pairs when someone launches an instance using your AMI, improving security and reducing the likelihood of “man-in-the-middle” attacks
    • Install Public Key Credentials
      • Amazon EC2 allows users to specify a public-private key pair name when launching an instance.
      • A valid key pair name needs to be provided when launching an instance, the public key, the portion of the key pair that Amazon Ec2 maintains on the server, is made available to the instance through an HTTP query against the instance metadata and appended to the authorized keys
      • Users can launch instances of your AMI with a key pair and log in without requiring a root password
    • Disabling sshd DNS Checks (Optional)
      • Disabling sshd DNS checks slightly weakens your sshd security. However, if DNS resolution fails, SSH logins still work. If you do not disable sshd checks, DNS resolution failures prevent all logins.
    • Identify Yourself
      • AMI is only represented by an account ID without any further information, so it is better to provide more information to help describe the AMI
    • Protect Yourself
      • Don’t store any sensitive data or software on the AMI
      • Exclude & Skip any directories which hold the sensitive data or secret information and delete the shell history before creating an AMI

AMI Creation

EBS-Backed Linux AMI

  • EBS-Backed Linux AMI can be created from the instance directly or from the EBS snapshot
  • EBS-backed linux AMI creation process :-
    1. Select an AMI #1 similar to what you want to have your new AMI #2
    2. Launch an Instance from AMI #1 and configure the instance accordingly
    3. Stop the instance to ensure data integrity and then create AMI #2 OR
    4. Create an EBS snapshot and then create an AMI #2 from the snapshot
    5. Amazon automatically register the EBS-backed AMI for you
    6. AMI #2 an be used to now launch new instances
  • By default, EC2 shuts down the instance, takes snapshots of any attached volumes, creates and registers the AMI, and then reboots the instance.
  • Shut down &Reboot of the Instance can be prevented using the No reboot option, however the file system integrity of the created image can’t be guaranteed
  • EC2 creates snapshots of the instance’s root volume and any other EBS volumes attached to your instance. If any volumes attached to the instance are encrypted, the new AMI only launches successfully on instances that support Amazon EBS encryption
  • For any additional instance-store volumes or EBS volumes, the block device mapping for the new AMI contains information for these volumes, and the block device mappings for instances that you launch from the new AMI automatically contain information for these volumes.
  • While data on EBS volumes persists, the Instance-store volumes specified in the block device mapping for the new instance are new and don’t contain any data from the instance store volumes of the instance you used to create the AMI.
  • Its more efficient to create an EBS-backed AMI with EBS snapshots already taken as the snapshot created during AMI creation is just an incremental one
  • You are charged for the storage of both the AMI and the snapshots

Instance Store-Backed Linux AMI

  • Instance Store-Backed Linux AMI creation process
    1. Select an AMI #1 similar to what you want to have your new AMI #2
    2. Launch an Instance from AMI #1 and configure the instance accordingly
    3. Bundle the Instance. It takes several minutes for the bundling process to complete.
    4. After the process completes, you have a bundle, which consists of an image manifest (image.manifest.xml) and files (image.part.xx) that contain a template for the root volume.
    5. Upload the bundle to your Amazon S3 bucket
    6. Register the Instance Store-backed AMI.
    7. Launching an instance using the new AMI #2, the root volume for the instance is created using the bundle that you uploaded to Amazon S3.
  • Charges are incurred for rhe storage space used by the bundle in Amazon S3 until deleted
  • For additional instance store not root volumes, the block device mapping for the new AMI contains information for these volumes, and the block device mappings for instances that you launch from the new AMI automatically contain information for these volumes.

Deregistering AMI

  • Charges are incurred on the AMI created and they can be deregistered, if not needed.
  • Deregistering an AMI does not delete the EBS snapshots or the bundles in the S3 buckets and have to be removed separately
  • Once deregistered, new instances cannot be launched from the AMI. However, it does not impact already created instances from the AMI
  • Clean up EBS-Backed AMI
    • Deregister the EBS-Backed AMI
    • Delete the EBS Snapshot, as deregistering the AMI doesn’t impact the snapshot
  • Clean up Instance Store-backed AMI
    • Deregister the EBS-Backed AMI
    • Delete the bundle from the S3 bucket, as deregistering the AMI doesn’t effect the bundles stored in the S3 bucket

AMIs with Encrypted Snapshots

  • AMIs, with EBS backed snapshots, can be attached with both an encrypted root and data volume
  • AMIs copy image can be used to create AMIs with encrypted snapshots from AMIs with unencrypted snapshots. By default, copy image preserves the encryption status of the snapshots
  • Snapshots can be encrypted with either your default AWS Key Management Service customer master key (CMK), or with a custom key that you specify

AMI Copying

  • Amazon EBS-backed AMIs and instance store-backed AMIs can be copied.
  • Copying an AMI
    • An identical target AMI is created, but with its own unique identifier
    • For EBS Backed AMI, an identical but distinct root and data snapshots are created
    • Encryption status of the snapshots are preserved
    • However, Launch permissions, user-defined tags, or Amazon S3 bucket permissions are not copied from the source AMI to the new AMI. After the copy operation is complete, different launch permissions, user-defined tags, and Amazon S3 bucket permissions to the new AMI
  • Source AMI can be deregistered without any impact to the Target AMI
  • You can copy your owned AMIs, AMIs shared with you with proper permissions
  • AMIs are created specific to a region and can be copied within or across regions which can help to aid in consistent global deployment and build highly scalable and available applications
  • AMI copy image can be used to encrypt an AMI from an unencrypted AMI
  • AMI copy image can’t be used to create an unencrypted an AMI from an encrypted AMI

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